The Sound of the drum

Every child deserves the best. The best interest of a child must be paramount in all institutions and families. Bosco Home-Child Protection Centre also known as Bosco Boys Street Children’s Home promotes the dignity of every child. St John Bosco says “For you I live, for I study, for you I give my last breath”. As followers of this great saint, we understand that every child must be given protection, has the right to life, survival and development, it is in this light that we acquired a new property in order to enhance the wellbeing of the children at our disposal.  These children deserve a very conducive environment just like any other child. Our new Home is located at No 2 Beco Street, Onipetesi Estate, Mangoro.

Following the foot step of this great Saint, we understand that every child must be given protection. Beside these children who live in this new home, through our outreach program we are reaching out to over one hundred boys and girls in the street of Lagos. Some of whom have gone through our aided vocational training in barbing leading to their self-sustainability.  

Africa is a continent of drums. These drums are beaten with agility and we do not only listen to the sounds of the drums with our ears but with our heart beats. Children who are vulnerable may find it difficult to transmit the sounds of the drums to their heartbeats because they are left to fend themselves. A child wants and needs the friendship of an adult. Friendship rarely grows form prejudice. One cannot build friendship with street children unless one accepts them as individuals and respect each one for what he or she really is.

If for one moment you regard these children as wayward, abnormal, menace or simply bad, you destroy any chance to make an alliance. They should be treated as human beings with dignities.

Through your efforts the children will be clothed, fed, treated, educated and proper family tracing will be done. We continue to count on you for support towards the running of the home.

Through your collaborative efforts the children will be better clothed, fed, treated, educated; and proper family tracing and reintegration will be done.

The Sound of the Drum

Fr. Raphael

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